International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP)
Founded in 1999, the IACP develops and promotes the highest standards of professional and business practice among canine professionals. The IACP includes professionals from all over the globe—encompassing every facet of the dog world.
Geiger & Associates (GA) was retained to reimagine the IACP website for current and future growth, focusing on corporate branding and improved user experiences to increase member and prospect engagement. The new website balances sophisticated data management and easy-to-use creative controls for both IACP Administrators and Members. Together with, GA created a hi-touch, adaptive and scalable, website design to meet the needs of IACP members and a global audience.
In addition to Community and eCommerce enhancements, arTeam created and implemented a custom global search feature, which integrates profile records with worldwide location data to determine nearest IACP members and relevance. arPlatform's built-in flexibility to accommodate OTT open-source development made this custom requirement tenable within budget and created a global resource to demonstrate the value of IACP Membership.
Visit International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP)